Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today's Word:

“So Judas took the morsel and left at once.” John 13:30

When I was a child, I would poke at minuscule green seasonings in my supper, and ask my mother, “What is this?”  Exasperated, she would say, “Don’t pick it apart, just eat it.”  Nowadays, when cooking for my own children who refuse to eat their supper, I am reminded of my own ingratitude.

In the Gospel today, I am struck by the ingratitude of Judas.  Jesus feeds Judas his Body at the Last Supper and Judas leaves anyway to betray him.  Judas chooses to reject the loving grace of God. Why would anyone do that?  Why do we do it today?

This week, as we remember the Last Supper and as we celebrate Easter with a feast, let us recollect with gratitude all the graces we receive, not only the food lovingly prepared, not only Jesus’ gift of himself in the morsel of the Eucharist, but also in all the everyday graces of our lives.  Let us try not to be ungrateful children in the presence of the God of all graces.

Joseph Creamer 
Assistant Dean, Fordham College at Lincoln Center

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