Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Today's Word:

The gospel according to Matthew 6:7-15, presents us with the “Our Father” - the model prayer given to us by Jesus himself. It is undoubtedly the most well-known and often said Christian prayer, but how many truly grasp the meaning of it. I, for one, am guilty of merely reciting the “Our Father” in times of prayer. Please do not judge me - I do consider myself a fairly devout Catholic - I try to be a good person, assist those in need, attend church regularly, am a catechist for my parish, and volunteer in numerous activities. Yet, the realization that I have never really taken the time to understand and appreciate this perfect prayer is a bit disconcerting.

Interestingly enough, this past Sunday’s homily included a request from the celebrant, to pray the "Our Father" very slowly while contemplating the words. So today, for what seems like the first time in 53 years, I prayed the “Our Father” slowly and carefully as to reflect on its meaning to me.

First and Foremost, I am awed by the fact that the “Our Father” was given to us by Jesus himself.  It not only teaches us how to pray, but to glorify and thank our heavenly Father.  Most importantly the prayer provides us with a simple guide to living- honor and respect God, be thankful, be obedient, ask for forgiveness and be forgiving, look to God for guidance and protection.

The “Our Father” is a precious heirloom to be cherished and revered – What a beautiful legacy!

Irene Sarno
Senior Asstistant Director of Academic Records

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