My favorite line in the first reading is “Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abednego answered King Nebuchadnezzar.” I imagine all three of them speaking in unity, as if they
telepathically were all beamed the same words and timing. Or maybe one began speaking, another
continued and the third finished their thought: a collective evolution of their
powerful response. However, I am
inclined to believe that this isn’t what is meant by this sentence. The three men were together in
consensus. It’s not that one of
them was strong and the other two felt compelled to agree as not to look
wimpy. I don’t think they were all
totally thrilled with the white hot furnace either. But I think they saw in each other the intention to be
loyal, and used community to find strength. Community can draw out the strength that was hidden: it
doesn’t shame fear or create courage out of thin-air, because it is already
inside us from God. I like to think
that because these three used community right, they were saved.
Another powerful line is the very last one of the Gospel reading: “I did
not come on my own, but He sent me.”
I’ve struggled with feelings I can’t control, namely depression. I have a hard time reconciling it with
my faith that God is intentional and benevolent in creation. I wonder why God is doing this. When I
ponder that maybe there’s a mission for me in The Divine Plan, I can be quick
to write myself off as pretentious.
And I absolutely can’t say my role in the universe is anything like Jesus’. However, I
can accept self-love easier if I remember my feelings are not my doing, but
God’s, and that God has sent me: I’m not on my own.
Kathe Gallagher
FCRH 2017
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