Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014- Ash Wednesday

Today's Word:

Today’s Gospel invitation to go about our lives of faith quietly, not calling attention to our fasting, prayer and almsgiving is somewhat ironic, since there will be a very noticeable display of Lenten ashes all around us today! The truth is that we are meant to be signs to one another by the way we live our lives. As we begin Lent, we make the Christian Community visible through the ashes we wear. These ashes remind us of our destiny: union with God.

The gospel and readings tell us that it is not important that others see how much we pray, or fast or donate to charity. God takes notice of all our efforts. These efforts, sometimes whole-hearted and sometimes not, help us to grow in intimacy with God. God sees the desires of our hearts and responds with tenderness and mercy to these longings. Lenten practices give us help to clear a space for God’s love, mercy and forgiveness to flow into the places within that have become hardened and stale.  When we let go of the things that keep us from God, we will be reconciled with God and can be true ambassadors for Christ.

There are many ways to live Lent: taking part in spiritual opportunities on campus, or taking time to really listen to someone who needs an ear.  Maybe you will forgo a Vente Caffe Mocha and give to someone in need. Maybe you will choose to unplug from your cell phone or computer for 15 or 20 minutes a day to become more aware of God’s love for you. Lent is a great opportunity to get closer to God. Whatever you decide, may this Lent be a time of deep peace. May you be reconciled to a God who is crazy about you!

Joan Cavanagh
Director of Campus Ministry at Westchester

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